THE GREATEST JOURNEY: Becoming One with Your Horse
*Note our front legs are in sync
There is nothing more rewarding in life than sharing a deep connection with an animal, one where you fully understand each other without words. In fact, the kind of communication to which I refer takes place beyond the realm of words. It’s an instant “knowing” of what you and your horse are communicating that connects you to each other and allows you to move together as one. Building this foundational connection with a horse is what I teach in clinics and through my online program called The Language of Horses.
Years ago, I set out to become “a horse trainer,” but it was really the horses who trained me. Despite the knowledge I absorbed from great horsemen and horsewomen throughout my life, it’s been the horses who have been my greatest teachers; they taught me how to become one with them. It’s been a long journey, a journey most people bypass and instead use the horse for their own pleasure without consideration for how the horse feels and I am just as guilty of those I accuse of doing just that. My journey with horses has transformed from using the horse for my whims to now creating a oneness that no longer ignores the wordless dialogue and input from my horses.
This connection I speak of begins on the ground. It begins when you enter the world of horses to seek connection and union with their majestic being. What I love most about horses is their ability to “BE” in the present moment. This “being-ness” is one of the richest experiences I share with horses. Horses desire our being with them and once this is experienced, there is a wordless communication and an instant knowing that simply unfolds. The horse is always willing to communicate if only we can become present in the moment and be open to what can happen when we learn to simply “BE.” And here’s a secret: even though creating a true connection with horses is what I do and what I teach, I am still learning from horses!
Learn the Art of Connection
Linda & Bella
I’ll never forget one special moment with my horse Bella (and because I have a video of it, I’ll literally never forget!) I was at a low point in my life when I took Bella into the arena. I had decided to forget everything I knew about horses and just play some music and see what happened. I call Bella my “wild child,” and I’m never sure what she’s going to do, but suddenly an energy blew through our session that Bella channeled into a “running fit.” I’ll be honest, I was really uncomfortable with her high energy and body moves, but Bella was saying “play with me!” so I did. As she came to me jumping wildly, I tossed the energy right back to her, and in that moment, I experienced a force field I’d never felt before. It was simply amazing to feel, communicate, and play with such majestic power. I hope you will enjoy the video and recognize, as I did, that something extraordinary took place between us.
This connection and play came from endless hours of “being” in the company of horses. This “being-ness” and being present to the moment can open up the magic horses love to give us when we are also in accord with their “being.” Bella loves to be wild and allowing her to express herself has taught me I too am able to connect to the same force field that resonates within horses. This knowledge – and the experience of it -- has given my teaching an extra layer of resonance when I show others that they too are capable of such connection.
Wishing all horse lovers the “oneness” that horses gift us with when we are ready. There is a saying that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. In this case, the teacher is Bella and what a gift we experienced together. If you would like to learn more about creating a connection and oneness with your horse, I am available for clinics and for those who are unable to travel I have created an online course, The Language of Horses, which is the foundation for creating a “True Connection” with your horse.
If you would more information on how to experience a True Connection, feel free to email me.
Thank you for reading my blog and supporting the work I do with horses. I am grateful to have such a connection from horses, the greatest teachers.
Sending all love and Light,
Linda & The Herd ❤️