“Linda touched my heart and soul and gave me confidence to become the leader my horse wants and needs. For years I heard the warnings and opinions that some people just aren’t strong enough. Linda showed me the possibility. In her clinic I experienced being the leader, and she showed me the skills, the communication skills, to be that leader. More important, she offered her very personal thoughts and feelings to share the meaning behind being a good leader—the kind of leader that horses are—fair and strong and working for the good of the herd. That sharing is an inspiration that I believe can change my life as well as expand my relationship with my horse. Now I have hope and a powerful dream to really dance with my horse.
There will be a few challenges along the way, but look for reports of success.”
— Amy Delaplaine, Atlanta, GA & Fairhope, AL
“I just talked to my vet. She is literally shaking. I dropped off some of Carl’s finest “poo-brew” yesterday to be tested and had not heard back. I called her and left a message to call me regarding what you told me. She just called back, and I told her of my conversation with you and that you were feeling Carl had some type of parasite or bacteria that lies dormant. Linda, she dropped the phone. She said the results just came back and that it is a parasite called Coccidia, which is a parasite that lies dormant until the dog becomes stressed. He could be just a tummy upset by something simple, but this will make it worse. I am picking up some meds for him today.
Thank you Linda, thank you so much.
Thank you God for blessing me with this wonderful person that you have gifted with something so precious that few understand, but I realize that some things I will never understand, I just have to believe.
Have a great weekend!
Love you!!!”
— Cricket Elliott
“Linda is a wonderful, gifted teacher and a gracious, welcoming hostess. She gave each person individual attention and made each person feel special. I feel that I can do the rituals with my horse and increase my bond with him and continue to move forward on our journey together.”
— Lois A. - VA.
“First of all, thank you so much to Linda for providing these two days of workshop. I can’t wait for the next one! It was done very professionally, very thorough, and we all had a wonderful time. The meditations in the mornings before the sessions started prepared us all to get “out of our heads” and into our hearts, to put us into the right frame of mind and to connect with nature. I think every horse person needs to do that before approaching a horse.
Linda prepared us for better leadership skills by having us think of ourselves as “queens” that have power but use it in a benevolent way and are worthy of respect. It completely changed the way we walked, carried ourselves, and how we approached the horses just like a lead mare or lead stallion would.
It was great to watch and learn from each other’s interaction with the horses. The horses were the best teachers, giving us immediate feedback on the energy that we projected, our leadership skills, and the intention we used to influence the horses.
One particular moment stood out. When we said our good-byes in the arena on the last day, Sampson was still walking about the arena and came up to each one of us sitting in the chairs in a circle and acknowledged us, one by one, going counter clockwise, as if to say good-bye. I also felt genuine respect from him, as if he wanted to say, you all did well and don’t forget the lessons you learned about the free will of the horse and how horses want to be treated.
If I had to describe the workshop in three words, it would be “practical”, “magical”, and “spiritual”. Let me explain.
Practical because Linda had hands-on, easy to implement ways of handling different situations such as “what can I do if the horse starts grazing while we companion walk” or “how can I practice liberty work if I don’t have an arena” or “when to use or not to use treats”.
Magical because there were moments for all participants when the horse accepted the leadership of the human, when the footfalls of human and horse became synchronized, when you could sense a magical connection between them even though they had just met.
Spiritual because no matter what you call it, Chi, spirit, intention, or energy, we could all feel it around us, in us, in the horses, and in nature. While I was deeply connected with Black Jack while companion walking, the energy I felt was so thick I could move it with my hands or body. It felt like I was able to communicate spirit to spirit, equal to equal, and time stood still. We became one for just a moment. Words just don’t come close to what that experience was like. I am so fortunate to have been able to connect to a horse that way. I have had other moments where just a thought would prompt my horse to perform a dressage movement, and I treasure every one of them. Nothing compares to when your horse does something for you willingly with just the slightest cue.
Thank you, Linda, for a great learning experience. My horse, Cometa, thanks you as well! We are using the waterhole rituals daily and making progress already. Much Love,”
— Ursula - N.C.
“Linda Salinas is a great horseman and teacher. Her clinic was the most fun and informative I have ever attended. Other horse- experts seem to get magical results. Linda gets magical results and joyously imparts her knowledge in a wonderfully user-friendly way. Her priority is respect and empathy, for the horse, and the student. I felt like I was 11 years old again, getting to play at being a horse. Only this time, the horse became as interested in me as I was in him!!! Very rewarding!>>>> Now it is easier for me to spend time with my horses because I know what their actions and responses mean, and how to interact with them in a way that has meaning to them. With the new methods I learned at the clinic, I am no longer over- doing it with the treats, which I did before, because I really didn’t even know what to do with my horses if not riding, grooming, or scratching itchy spots. That sounds stupid, I know, but was always confused with the conflicting nature of different training techniques, all of which seemed to require timing and finesse beyond my abilities, and all of which seemed to eventually resort to doing things to the horse which I didn’t want to do.>>>>>>>>>> The WHRs seem so natural and make SO much sense. I was amazed to clearly understand and be comfortable with ( in a humane way) everthing that was done at your clinic.>>>>>>>> Most importantly, my horses are already looking at me differently, with more respect and interest!! I am SO happy!! THANK YOU LINDA!!! When is your next clinic?”
— Evelyn Nutt - GA
“It was a fantastic clinic with wonderful horsewomen and a gifted teacher! Thank you so much for sharing your passion and knowledge with us. I have such a different perspective now and am very excited! Thank Sammy for the perfect closing! Talk about a walking and greeting testimony! Also thank you for opening your lovely home to us, the delicious lunches, and the horsey bags filled with goodies not to mention the excellent video. I look forward to talking with you soon”
— Marsha - N.C.
“Linda has provided me with a magical experience that I will keep with me though the rest of my life. She is a wonderful teacher. She has the ability to understand and connect people, animals, and nature. I am very thankful to have been a part of such an amazing opportunity.”