I remember the days when training a horse was called “breaking.” And there’s no question that the methods – many of them violent and brutal – were meant to force the horse into compliance, and also to “break” its spirit so that the horse would never assert its nature again. And when that happened, they called the horse “dead broke.” Those are two sad words when it comes to the human-horse connection.
It took some pioneering horsemen and women to demonstrate that horses could and should be educated with respect and kindness, but in some parts of the horse world, the old ways still linger. And I’m here to tell you that trying to make a horse “dead broke” isn’t just an unnecessary approach, it’s absolutely “dead wrong.”
Ready for a little controversy? Here’s something for you to lick and chew on: when it comes to you and your horse – even though you own the horse, pay for his care, dictate when or if he stays in a stall, what he eats, when he will carry you on his back -- even though you are the total coordinator of his life, you and your horse matter equally when it comes to creating a true connection between the two of you.
Let me say that again.
The two sides of the horse-human equation matter equally. Most people fail to recognize this truth and fail to create a meaningful bond and connection with their horse. It’s also why some of the old-time training methods are still around today. Many people believe the horse must be forced to bend to the will of humans, instead of being influenced in a way he can understand.
Everything Belongs
At True Connection Horse Academy we recognize these two sides to the equation: there is the side of the horse, who must interpret your actions. And then there’s you, and your need to recognize the signals and communication from your horse. Both sides are equal. The horse values himself and is accountable to his own body. He responds to you in real-time: if he is throwing a kick at you, he is communicating something like aggravation or a protest. If he is bucking under saddle, he's being true to something that is annoying his back and he's reacting to a pain. Nothing is ever random with a horse.
Every one of a horse’s movements express some communication, and humans have a responsibility as handlers and equal partners to learn what is being “said.” In a herd, horses have no problem communicating with each other. And even though there is a stallion, a lead mare, and a pecking order, every horse matters when it comes down to the safety and well-being of the herd. Even the lowest horse on the totem pole is given equal value when the herd is threatened, just as a human family will put aside their squabbles when a crisis hits.
This is how the team at true Connection horse Academy will teach you to become part of your horse’s herd. You’re going to learn how to read your horse’s body language, interpret his actions, and respond in a way he can understand. We teach you how to create a new relationship which is going to be based on equality.
Many of you have seen the videos of me “dancing” with my horses if not I have included one below, and that’s an expression of the deep trust and equality I’ve worked so hard to develop with my animals. What gets you that beautiful relationship and that connection is understanding the instincts and social conduct and the language of horses. That’s what I’m able to share with you – the hows and whys I’ve learned over decades of study with great horsemen and women, AND as a student of my own herd. I’m able to distill this knowledge into understandable and doable steps you can take to build the same kind of connection with your horse. This is why True Connection Horse Academy is different than any other teaching method.
Your horse will always be true to himself and his instincts, to his herd nature expressed through social conduct. Once you “get” this concept and have some guidance on how to interpret what your horse is saying, you can begin to create your connection. People can spend a lifetime “breaking” horses and never achieve harmony with them. But in True Connection Academy, we show why there is no need for punishing methods or “breaking” a horse when you can make yourself understood to the horse through his own method of communicating.
Now hold on: that’s not to say that you can or should throw discipline to the wind. Discipline is actually a crucial part of the connection. Let me give you an example of how discipline occurs among horses in the herd. Let’s say a filly decides she’s going to run off and flirt with a colt in another herd. She’s just following her instincts but by disappearing she has put the whole herd in jeopardy because the stallion and lead mare have to come find her and return her home. There is the danger of the two alpha stallions fighting. There is the vulnerability of both herds when the two stallions are pre-occupied with each other. It’s intense, and when that filly is “kidnapped” and returned to her herd, she will be chastised, hazed, chased…she will be disciplined ruthlessly until she understands there will be consequences for her future actions.
At True Connection Horse Academy, we show you what human to horse discipline should look like and when to apply it. We will teach you effective and appropriate ways to discipline your horse in order to achieve harmony versus dominance. We break down the barriers that almost all humans have built to insulate themselves from the natural world. We show you how to interpret what your horse is trying to tell you.
You are expected and responsible for moving your horses speed. Your horse works and understands this expectation. Yes, I have learned through great horse masters but the greatest horse master we can all turn to is the one in our own backyard. And this is what we do through True Connection Horse Academy – show you how you can learn from the greatest teacher you will ever have – your horse.
Wishing each of you and your families - 2 & 4 legged, winged or spirit free, a beautiful Christmas and may there be “Light” on your path for the coming year 🎄.
Merry Christmas,
Linda & The Herd