Just like humans, each and every horse is unique.  Although they share the same instincts each horse has it’s own personality and individuality.  Just as there are no two people alike, there are no two horses alike.  

When I was a novice Animal Communicator, part of the certification process involved communicating with animals in 4 different categories: (1) Behavioral Issues, (2) Physical Disorders, (3) Lost Animals, and (4) Animals that were dying or had already crossed over.  I put out an APB to my friends asking them to allow me to practice communicating with their animals.  One of my dear friends ( another animal lover) gave me several photos of her animals.  For those who are not familiar with animal communication, telepathy is used to communicate.  All beings (humans as well as animal) are telepathic.  Thus, I only need a photograph when communicating with an animal.  

One of the photographs that I received was a picture of a leopard Appaloosa horse named Nakota.  In the photo, my friend's daughter was riding Nakota with an English saddle.  Each communication begins with "just connecting" with the animal and getting a “feel” for the animal’s core essence.  As I began to sense Nakota's core essence, it was clear that he did not have a lot of respect for humans.  Nakota made it quite clear that he felt he was much smarter than people. 

During our communication, I sensed that as Nakota picked up his feet to move a fly off his leg, he would use this as an opportunity to set his foot down on any human foot near his; thus validating his opinion that humans are not very smart.  As we communicated, I felt the sensation that I was riding Nakota and that I had become distracted.  Nakota seized the opportunity to duck under a tree limb that knocked me off his back.  Nakota didn’t run away but instead hovered over me as if to say, “What the heck are you doing down there"?   At the time,  I didn’t know if this actually happened to someone or if he was giving me more examples of how he liked to trick people.  Animal Communicators receive information from animals that can only be validated by their human companions.  At this time, I was quite new to the whole concept of communicating with animals but I understood that getting validations was the key to believing in the possibility of communication with animals.  

When I went to my friend's house to relay this information about her horse, she agreed with my perception of Nakota’s core essence.  She too felt that he didn’t have a lot of respect for humans.  Next, I told my friend about the sensation that Nakota had taken me under a tree limb causing me to fall off his back.  I told her that afterward, he just stood around and looked at me while I was lying on the ground.  When I had finished relaying the information from our communication session, my friend shared that one day she had been riding Nakota with her two daughters.  One girl was in front of her and one was behind her.  When she became distracted by one of her girls, Nakota had gone right under a tree limb causing her to ditch both kids before she fell off of him.  And yes, Nakota had indeed stood over her while looking as if he had no knowledge of what had just happened.  

At the time, I wasn't really sure what to think.  I remember asking my teacher if she ever had any experiences like this.  Her response was, “Oh heavens yes, my horse Tallany was one of the worst culprits” and she shared the following example.  When teaching animal communication classes, she always requested that her students ask Tallany how old he was.  During one particular workshop, all of the students received the response that Tallany was 5 years old even though he was actually almost 30 at the time.  When she "checked in" with Tallany to ask why he told everyone that he was 5, he said that when he told groups his real age they always seem to pity him and that they didn't react the same way when he said he was 5.  

Are you still wondering if animals really do try to "trick" us?  It certainly has been my experience that our animal companions can sometimes enjoy a good laugh at our expense.  Feel free to share your own examples of animal trickery with us as they come to light!

Hope you have a great rest of the week.

Linda and the herd of 8