The Waterhole Rituals Dance in Canada
Engaging Serina, Barb Fenwick's Paso Fino
This week's blog is dedicated to the amazing Canadian women and 1 brave man who participated in The Carolyn Resnick Clinic hosted by Barb Finwick at her beautiful farm in Manitoba, Canada. What a clinic!!!! I have never met such a group of happy women (and Michael of course).
Many of the ladies came from Barb's trusting recommendation, not knowing what to expect. Their comments to me, " never had they felt such a connection to their horses before". Their enthusiasm for the method reminds me of my own. One of the ladies had just lost her job, didn't have a horse and questioned coming to the clinic, but following her own guidance she took a leap of faith and came. She shared with me privately, " it was life changing and just what she was seeking". Many amazing moments were shared and I ask you to comment below and be a part of the blog.
The video is something we spoke of in the clinic. It's a wonderful reminder of the amazing gifts nature offers right at our finger tips. Didn't we learn that at the clinic? The present moment holds so much magic, we must be still and present to notice. Enjoy and thank you for an awesome clinic. Canada ROCKS!!!!!
Thank you Barb for having me and to all who came and made it such a memorable clinic. I hope you are flying as high as I still am. Have a great rest of the week and play play play with your horses. Next stop: Denmark and England. Whoopy wang!!!!!!!!!