Lynn started riding at the age of 10 and has always sought ways to better connect with animals. She credits her parents for encouraging her on this intangible journey, because they encouraged in Lynn a lifelong curiosity about and commitment to improving the human-animal connection.
Lynn graduated from Potomac Horse Center in Gaithersburg, Maryland in the mid-1970’s, then moved to Charlottesville, Virginia where she galloped racehorses, exercised hunter/jumper show horses and worked for a local veterinarian. With an abundance of horse knowledge already acquired through hard work and dedication, Lynn moved to South Carolina where she continued galloping racehorses – but switched out Thoroughbreds for Quarter Horses. A retail sales job for Revlon helped pay the bills while Lynn continued to ride; this time schooling sales horses at a hunter barn in Camden.
Lynn’s success in retail allowed her to purchase and show her own hunter horses, until “the Western bug got my attention,” she says. To gauge her newfound interest, Lynn made several trips to Wyoming and Montana and fell in love with quarter/paint horses. And they loved her: In 1999 Lynn was the Reserve High Point All Around Novice Amateur and 2000 Hi-Point All Around Novice Amateur in North Carolina. She also served as President of the Carolina Paint Horse Club from 2001 - 2002. Lynn earned her Level 1 degree in Centered Riding and has judged multiple children's horse shows.
Despite much success and a lot of enjoyment with and from her equine companions, Lynn realized that there had to be better and more effective ways to connect and communicate with her horses. And that is how she met Linda j Salinas: through the study of animal communication.
Lynn continues to study the horse through the work of many accomplished clinicians, including: Julie O Neil (Ortho-Bionomy); Bob Roffman (Performance Equine Body Work) and others. She’s worked extensively with Linda j Salinas learning the True Connection program. “There are many wonderful horsemen who have contributed to my journey, and each contributed a piece of shaping my beliefs and abilities to be a better person,” says Lynn. “I will be forever a student of the horse and know that it is within all of us to be able to connect with these beautiful spirits that so engage our hearts.”
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