Curious as to how your horse/animal sees you? Find out in our exciting new course: “The Journey Within”
Horses take us on many different kinds of rides and without a doubt, the most profound is the journey into the depths of ourselves. Animals -- particularly horses -- stand as mirrors to reflect who we really are and more importantly, who we are presenting to the world…and to the horse it’s often a different reflection than we intend.
Self-knowledge and self-awareness often lie dormant ‘til awakened’ by our beloved animals. Once we understand who we are and how our animals see us, we embark upon one of the most rewarding and challenging journeys with the animal world.
Out of the starting gate in 2021, TCHA is offering a new course: The Journey Within. Beginning in January, Animal Communicator and Horse Whisperer Linda j Salinas will host and guide you on your own Journey Within so that you can create a deeper and more powerful relationship with the animals in your life. She’s teaming up with communication expert Janice Holly Booth, founder and CEO of the Equi-KIT, which helps horsemen understand how their personality and communication style helps or hinders a connection with their horse. ( Learn more about the Equi-KIT at the end of this blog).
Why January? Why now? Winter is a time to hibernate, to be still and reflect, and certainly now to become accepting of the darkness of the unknown. In this course your horse/animal will be your light, mirror and reflection as you learn to quiet the chatter inside your head and bring light to your inner knowing.
Communicating with animals is a language we’re all capable of speaking, but many of us doubt our abilities. It’s actually very simple, especially with an experienced guide. We strip away the mystery!
For five consecutive weeks we will explore the question of who we are and discover how our animals see us. The two should ideally be congruent but too often they’re not. And that incongruency is what can block a true connection. This course is about discovering our true selves, as our animals see us!
Week 1: Going Within
Going Within is designed to help create the environment, practice, and discipline to open the heart, the center of all connectedness. Here we will begin exploring the body, intuition, signals, our own communication system and how our body speaks to us.
Week 2: Honoring - Finding Connection
Listening is an art, however hearing our bodies and their communication is often crowded by the noise of our life. In this week you will learn the power of body language and non-verbal communication. In collaboration with the Equi-KIT program, we’ll help you understand how your personality affects the way you communicate -- with humans and with horses. You’ll learn how your communication style opens up or closes off the doors to intuition, signals and body language. It’s key information that forms the foundation of what comes next.
Week 3: Embracing
This week’s webinar will be fun and light-hearted as we bring our new discoveries into our lives based on what we have learned in the previous weeks. We will pair up with our Zoom partners and experience an Animal Communication session with one another’s animals!
Week 4: Emerging
This week we involve our animals and commune, converse, and be present with in the new light of our learnings. We’ll team up once more with the Equi-KIT to see how we’ve used our newfound insights to address our communication style tendencies.
Week 5: Share, Celebrate and Close
Our last week will end in sharing stories and epiphanies, celebrating and bringing closure for the gifts we have discovered and can now apply in our lives. We can’t drink and drive however we can toast, sip, or whatever tickles our fancy to congratulate each other on taking The Journey Within on this Zoom platform.
At the end of the 5 weeks you will have a clearer vision and understanding of who you are to yourself and who you are to your horse. Some of what you learn will help you with your human-to-human communication too!
What you Get:
Nearly 8 hours of live (Zoom) instruction with renowned animal communicator and horse whisperer Linda j Salinas. That’s a $1,500 value!
A full session with the CEO/Founder of the Equi-KIT, a program that helps horsemen understand their communication styles and how they impact the horse. That’s a $525 value!
Your personalized online communication-style/personality-style assessment. That’s a $65 value!
3 guided meditations. Value $90
Experience a real animal communication with others. Value $225.00
New insight into how you present to your horse, your animals and your fellow humans: PRICELESS!
That’s a value of $2,405! For this initial launch, you can gain all these insights and develop a deeper connection to your animals for just $275.00 which is an introductory price for the January launch only. And if you take advantage of our Early Bird special (sign up before December 25th, you can have it for the incredible price of $175.00.
That’s just $35 a session!
Attendance is limited to the first 25 people who sign up. Save your spot in this 5 week Live webinar The Journey Within!
Guarantee! You have nothing to lose. If you are not satisfied after the second session, I will refund your money.
More about the Equi-KIT
The Equi-KIT was created by life coach and communication expert Janice Holly Booth (MA, Leadership) to help horsemen understand their communication and personality styles, and how those styles impact the human-horse relationship. Janice is an accomplished horsewoman and has experience training, instructing, competing, judging and breeding. She is also a National Geographic author and presents her KIT programs across the globe. Learn more about the Equi-KIT in this short video below.
Learn more about Janice and her KIT programs