
I never dreamed I would ever make a go of it on my own; yet why not?  It’s always been the horses that have taken me on the most delicious journeys and this one is no different.  With horses, I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.  I love growing and creating throughout this journey that I find myself on.  

Due to the personal growth that I am experiencing with horses, so much is changing within me.  I see, feel, and understand horses better than ever before.  They have become my master teachers and I feel that they are cultivating me to explore my own unique gifts.  I enjoy reading about and studying St. Frances of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua.  I loved learning about them because of their close connection with animals and their stories fascinated me.  I have always dreamed of sharing a strong connection with animals as they did.  What did they know that I don't?  This question gradually morphed into "How can I too achieve this connection with our beloved animals"?   Attempting to answer these questions has challenged me all of my life and I am grateful that it has.  I wouldn’t be where I am without horses, animals, plants, and all of nature as. I search for these answers.  While I’m not a St. Frances or St. Anthony, I do feel supported by the animals that live on my farm.  I seek a relationship and connection with everything that lands, lives, or visits my farm.  Animals provide me with obstacles that are sometimes challenging to surmount but I see them as a pathway to answers, not problems.  This stretches my humanity beyond what I thought I was capable of creating.   


In putting together my new program "True Connection",  the obstacles that I am encountering have proven to be “The Way”.   Just last week,  I was trying something new with my horse Shadow.  All of sudden, Shadow took over the session as if to say,  “Look, there is a better way; let me show you”.  While remaining mindful to include my horses in the design of my new program “ True Connection”,  everything is coming together as smooth as silk.  We are testing the program on some of the most difficult horses we can find and are receiving beautiful responses and results even with horses that do not share a connection with humans.  I strive to play with and school horses in a harmonious setting but if an obstacle arises, I know the horse is signaling that he has something to teach me, just as Shadow did when designing a new game.  His input was vital to doing it a better way.  I allowed myself to be led by his guiding movements and responses.  Hence, obstacles become the pathways to greater creation by listening, allowing, and observing your horse’s responses and learning from the wisdom he communicates.     

Only the horse can provide you with the knowledge of how and what he wants to learn.   When you let go of all external influences and find the harmonious flow of creation in the present moment, you will be open to the unexpected.  Embracing the journey that I resisted for so many years has been one of the biggest lessons for growth that I could possibly have learned.  Resistance will only create friction.  When you embrace the "obstacles" in your way, you can move toward meeting your own greatest potential.  Make no mistake, if you are willing to listen, your horse will be there every step of the way.   

If you would like to receive free weekly video lessons from True Connection until the program launches (target date June 2018) please click below.  

Have a fabulous week!

Linda & The Herd of Eight

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