Horses most definitely feel and read energy. This was quite apparent at my last England clinic approximately 10 days ago. One of the horses in attendance was a beautiful mare that only had one eye. We learned that after a long struggle to save her right eye, it unfortunately had to be removed. Despite the fact that this horse had an empty eye socket, she was very beautiful. She was also intelligent, sensitive, and she had a very special relationship with her person. The loving relationship they shared was obvious even though they were new to The Waterhole Rituals and this was the first clinic that they had attended.
Cracker clearly showing her missing right eye
I must admit that working with a visually challenged horse was a unique experience for me. Since I had not previously had the pleasure of working a horse with only one eye, I was filled with anticipation as I wondered if we would have to modify the rituals or adjust our body language since the mare only had her left eye. As I attentively watched, the horses's person (Ursula) was walking near the center of the arena as she led her mare from behind. Since the mare was going clock-wise around the arena, she could not see Ursula with her left eye. As she came to the first corner, Ursula did not ask her to switch directions and she continued walking toward the next corner of the arena. Ursula was approximately 30 feet away from her mare when I asked her to attempt to change her horse's direction. This meant that the horse would have to make a left-hand turn away from Ursula without any visual cues. Almost instantaneously, the mare turned and began walking counter-clockwise. Needless to say, I was quite impressed with the mare's sensitivity and with Ursula's use of intention and body language. Could it have been a coincidence? Could she have heard Ursula as she walked toward her? It seemed unlikely because the footing in the arena was extremely quiet and it absorbed noises quite well. I found it difficult to hear any of the horses moving around behind me even though they were less than 10 feet away. Ursula then proceeded to remove all doubt. Time after time, we watched as she asked her horse to change direction. Obviously, the mare could not see Ursula with her left eye (since Ursula was on her right side) but she always changed directions when Ursula asked.
I have always believed that animals (horses in particular) have an innate ability to feel and read energy. They are amazing energetic beings. I once saw Carolyn Resnick gather up a ball of energy and toss it in the direction of a horse that was standing nearby. When the ball of energy touched the horse, his body physically jumped. At clinics, I have observed that horses will sometimes refuse to "say hello" to a person until he or she brings forth the proper energy. Last month in England, a sweet, lovely mare gave us all a reminder of just how incredibly sensitive our equine friends truly are!
Food for thought until next week's blog---What is YOUR energy saying to YOUR horse?
Have a great rest of the week.
Linda & The Herd