At the airport on my way to England.
I posted this picture on Facebook with a message for the UK ladies to get ready because "here I come". Boy, did they take me seriously. I must say, they were beyond ready. The clinic included 23 outstanding women, Stan (a twelve year old boy) who is a star in the making, and 7 horses. Some of the horses and humans who came to the clinic were familiar and some were new.
No matter where you are on your journey, the Waterhole Rituals will shed light upon your self- discovery. I am not the same trainer that I was the last time I gave a clinic in England, just as I will not be the same trainer at our next clinic. Life experiences for horses and humans alike make it impossible to remain the same. Each experience (pleasant or not so pleasant) assists me in changing for the better to carve out the treasure of my authentic self which lies within.
This deeper love for myself, horses, and fellow humans requires me to FEEL rather than think my way through things. This seemed to be our theme for the UK clinic as well; out of the head and into the heart. Little did we know that it would turn into more than any of us could have imagined!
Each participant brought a willingness to learn and to be fully present while allowing the harmony of the present moment to transform them. The horses too were transformed by the changes as we shifted into greater awareness. Our relationships with the horses also changed as we connected to ourselves. It was magical to watch the horses' reactions as their caretakers took ownership of a leadership role to guide their relationships with their horses. You could visibly see a physical release of tension from the horses as they embraced the leadership from their “newly found partners”. The horses were present to be our guides and teachers as we found the courage to explore "who we are". The horses have long been asking this question of us but many of us seldom reflect upon it ourselves. As each person discovered the essence of "who they are" while tapping into "the leader within", the horses naturally settled into companion walking with us. The energy that we generated seemed almost contagious as we joyously shared our discoveries which were gifts not only for ourselves but for others as well.
None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for Jayne Foster (the “lead mare” of our clinic). She began the process by attracting the right people to the clinic with her energetic connection. It takes a village to pull off a clinic and as always, Jayne was outstanding in her role. Deb Bunker nourished our bodies with her amazing meals and sweet energy. Jackie Blake brought her precious “Stan the man” with whom we all are in love. Stan brought his pony named Sonny (if only they both could fit both in my suitcase). Jackie also took photos of the clinic. Thank you to my dear friend Shelly Martin (a master horsewoman in her own right) who came all the way from California to cross the Atlantic with me. I am grateful for her presence and her knowledge of both horses and humans. We all experienced tender intimacies and outrageous moments of fun and play. To each and everyone of you who came to the clinic, I am so grateful and honored by your courage to step into yourselves and allow me to “guide” you to the best parts within. Your horses shared with me the secrets of your light so that I could nudge you into discovering your own beauty. We all witnessed your blossoming from the connection you formed with your horses. In many instances, participants answered their own questions by just listening to themselves. I have so much gratitude for this experience. I now have your sparkles of light inside me. My own light is brighter from the pleasure of sharing territory with each of you. A special thanks to Jayne’s friend Polly (who behind the scenes) cared for Jayne’s animals, and washed our dishes as we rushed out the door each day. Don’t think for a moment that I was unaware of your kindness when you turned up the heat for me although you were roasting (even your dog Annie was panting!). Polly also went out of her way to take us to London on Sunday.
Beginnings and endings can be polar opposites but the clinic’s ending gave joy to the rising beginning in each of us. As we left separately we remain connected from tasting and experiencing the golden thread of light that flows through all of nature. How magical is that?
Until we reflect at the Waterhole again, keep shining!!!!!