Lynn Everett and her beloved Nic 

Lynn Everett and her beloved Nic 

I just finished a 3 day clinic at my farm here in North Carolina.  All I can say is "WOW"!  Attendees included (1) a pediatrician who does not have horses yet recognizes a need to incorporate them into her practice, (2) a mother honoring her young daughter's interests (each year the daughter chooses a new experience for them to share) and (3) a combination of stellar women who are avid lovers and caretakers of their horses.  As our three days together came to an end, I expressed the sentiment that I am the one who benefits most from these clinics simply from being in the company of such wonderful people and horses.  

Horses are a constant source of support and wisdom that helps me to understand what the people at each clinic need to learn.  Without a doubt, the better that people can connect with themselves the better they can connect with horses.  A true leader is one who motivates, inspires, empowers, and ultimately liberates others.  Horses have led me to this realization and I willingly pass the message on to others.  Time after time, horses bring forth their wisdom to cultivate the leader within each of us.

Connection to the horse begins when we can fully connect with ourselves.  We become empowered only when we realize that (1) we are the ones who need changing (not our horses) and (2) we must be receptive to the message of the horse to get in touch with the part of ourselves that needs transformation.  

The message from the horse takes us on a wondrous journey to courageously examine our own unique authenticity.  As we explore our true selves, we rediscover our connection with all of nature.  The horse has a way of shining light onto our shadows and darkness.  They allow us to see what is blocking us from achieving unity with our Divine nature.   I truly can think of nothing better!  

Shine on!

Linda and the herd

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