As most of you know, I only train horses at liberty. Thus, I begin my relationship with a horse without the use of halters, force, or restraint. The horse is always able to escape my influence if he feels the need to do so. The benefits that come from starting your relationship at liberty are numerous. Obviously, your ability to "read" a horse is vital to communication and to "staying safe". If we are receptive to their cues, horses will teach us their language. I have a healthy respect for the enormous power, strength, and speed of horses. There is no room for carelessness when working at liberty, as the consequences could even prove to be fatal.
All of my actions with horses are centered around connection. I can really feel the tremendous desire that horses have to connect with us. I do my best to translate the language of horses so others can benefit from having strong connections with them as well. Be forewarned however; a horse's view of connection may be dramatically different from your human viewpoint of connection. A horse is a large powerful animal that is ruled by instinct. Delusional thinking that your horse won't step on your foot, kick you, bite you, or charge you because of the trust you share are examples of human thinking that could actually assist you in receiving all of the above! Your horse doesn't care about or share dysfunctional human concepts. He craves connection, relationship, companionship, and leadership because those ideals contribute to his own SAFETY AND SURVIVAL.
In last week's blog, I mentioned that horses have survived for over 50 million years which is in large part due to their adaptability. Unfortunately, we as humans have done a lot of *%@* to horses. We buy them, sell them, trade them, train them, ride them, and keep them contained. The list goes on and on. Despite our actions, it is the horse's nature to seek harmony. Regardless of the situation, horses adapt and survive. A horse's ability to find harmony where there is chaos speaks clearly, silently and divinely. The message of the horse is real and it calls our attention to a huge difference between horses and humans. Horses seek harmony while humans get spun up in DRAMA which keep chaos alive. What a difference horses can make in our own lives if we learn just this one lesson! I salute my own horses for the wisdom they bring to my numerous blogs and now to my podcasts as I share their messages with you. It is my hope that you will find the secrets and teachings of horses as magical as I do!
Let your light shine brightly,