Influence, Our Most Powerful Currency
Beau, Pam Johnston's most devoted companion of 14 + years.
Our animals are such a blessing. Unfortunately their lifespans are rather short in comparison to ours. I do, however, strongly believe that our animals continue to live in spirit after their departure from our earthly existence. I’m sure that you have heard me say that our animals can and do offer us some of the most rewarding relationships in life. The death of an animal can cause us to feel an overwhelming sense of loss and grief.
Christmas, as always, presents itself as a time of reflection for me. I often think of my Border Collie (Maggie) who crossed over the rainbow bridge almost three years ago. She was my best friend for 14 years. The kindness and sweetness that I received from her seemed to have no limit. I still miss her dearly. The year of the horse (2014) has been difficult for quite a few of my friends as they have lost their beloved equestrian partners this year.
It has been said that the manner in which we influence each other is the most powerful currency of all and I couldn’t agree more. The positive effects that our animal companions have on us cannot possibly be measured. In an effort to honor the beautiful memories we have of our animals who have made their transition, I invite you to post comments on my blog. Tell us all about the beloved animals that made a difference in your life. For every animal that is remembered on my blog, I will donate $1.00 to an animal charity (to be announced) which provides loving support to animals in need. Through your blog posts, animals that need care will benefit as we share our memories of our own animals that had such an amazing impact on our lives.
To allow me to make a $1.00 donation for each and every animal to be remembered:
Post a comment on my blog (no e-mails please) including your name, your animal’s name, a picture (optional), and tell us how many years your animal was with you. Additional comments are welcome as well. Please make your posts on or before December 28th.
I am ready and willing to donate up to $500. If we have the good fortune of receiving more than 500 animal memories, I have an additional donor who is willing to give up to $500 as well. Please share this blog with others who might want to honor their beloved animals as well. We can all make a difference as we bring good and joy into the lives of animals that are in need today. The Spirit of Giving and taking the time to honor our loved ones (past and present) is what Christmas is all about. Our influence upon each other is indeed the most powerful currency on earth. Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to your comments about the animals that have influenced your lives as well.
Wishing each of you a warm and cheerful Christmas!